Conference Program

The Gilbane Conference is all about helping organizations apply content, web, mobile, and marketing technologies to increase engagement by improving the digital experiences of their customers, employees, and partners.

This means understanding what technologies can and can’t do, what practices in applying them succeed or fail, how to effectively analyze data and apply results, and how to plan for rapid changes in market and technology evolution. Companies need to be agile and able to incorporate an indeterminate number of digital and physical channels with different form factors and capabilities, and they need to do so in ways that protect and enhance their brand.

Conference sessions are organized by track. Session content as well as speakers are updated as changes occur. Click on a speaker to view their biography including blog links and twitter handles if they have supplied them.




K1. Opening Keynotes: Building Digital Experiences - Industry leaders Share their Stories

Tuesday, December, 2: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

In our opening keynote session executives from multiple industries that are deeply involved in strategy and responsible for implementing major initiatives will share their front line experiences, views on what’s important, and perspectives on the future of digital experiences. Join us for some well-grounded straight talk from some of those making it happen.

, Founder, Bluebill Advisors, Gilbane Conference
, VP Technology, Content Management Systems, The New York Times
How Multichannel Requirements Continue to Change Content Management, and What the New York Times is Doing to Keep Up
, Senior Program Manager & Product Owner, Global Web Support, HP
How HP’s New Global Support Website Entered the 21st Century
, Senior Program Manager of User Experience, Global Web Support, HP
How HP’s New Global Support Website Entered the 21st Century
, CIO, Beth Israel Deaconess Care Organization
A Huge Opportunity: Overcoming the Challenges of Health Care Information Integration

K2. Opening Keynotes: Industry Analyst Panel - What's Happening, What's Coming, and What's Hype

Tuesday, December, 2: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

This year we return to an interactive panel for our industry analyst session so we can cover a wider variety of topics, and of course have some fun too. Join us and hear what different analyst firms think about the trends and technologies you care about. We’ll have our own questions but will be collecting yours both before the conference and during the panel.

, Founder, Bluebill Advisors, Gilbane Conference
, Program VP, Content & Digital Media Technologies, IDC
, Founder, Real Story Group
, Partner and Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group
, Senior Analyst, Social Business, 451 Research

Track C: Content, Marketing, and the Customer Experience


C1. Track Keynote: What it Takes to Build a Modern Customer Experience

Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Everyone pays lip service to the power of today’s customers and the need to more fully and meaningfully engage with them, but not every organization follows through. The first step is to make sure you are truly listening to your customers, and not assuming you know what they want and need. AIA’s Kevin Novak takes a critical look at what it means to actively listen to your customers, why some organizations fail to do so, and why it is so important to crafting and maintaining a successful digital experience.

, President, Anderson Digital 2020
, Senior Director, Digital Data Strategy & Distribution, Marriott International
Update: Rethinking Content Delivery: Moving beyond a Traditional Web Content Management Approach
, CEO and Founder, 2040 Digital
The Age of the Customer

C2. Mobile Strategies - Beyond App Development

Tuesday, December, 2: 2:40 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

Now that you have an app or two or more, congratulations! - but don’t think you are done. Individual apps can have enormous effects on customers’ experience and your market reach, but they are just the most visible part of a successful and sustainable mobile strategy. Apps are a beachhead that needs to be secured, continuously developed, expanded, and integrated with other supporting marketing and enterprise systems. This session looks at some of the issues you need to consider beyond basic app development.

, CEO and Founder, Akoonu
, Senior Director of Strategy and Product Marketing, Digital Marketing Business, Adobe
Mobile Apps: What happens after 100 Billion Downloads?
, VP of Business Development, Waterfall
Five Ways to Nurture Profitable Customer Relationships Through Mobile Messaging

C3. Panel - Stump the Web Content Management Consultant

Tuesday, December, 2: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For those of you unfamiliar with this format, the concept is simple: Bring your toughest, thorniest, most intractable Web Content Management conundrum or challenge and a team of experienced Web Content Management consultants will compete to offer you the best advice in 2 minutes or less. But there’s a twist… we’ll use noise-canceling headphones to make sure the gurus can’t hear the answers that the other panelists give. Come and get insightful, likely controversial, and sometimes entertaining answers to your most pressing questions. The person deemed to have stumped the consultants the most will go home with their own noise-canceling headphones!

, Managing Director & Analyst, Real Story Group
, President and Founder, Ayantek
, Director Content Strategy, SapientNitro
, Partner, Blend Interactive


C4. How to Manage Multichannel Content Marketing

Wednesday, December, 3: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Content is certainly the unifying element of a brands’ marketing across physical as well as digital channels. Once you have created your killer content how do you maximize its reach? How do you push out your content beyond your own channels in ways that are manageable? This session includes presentations by two organizations that have built marketing strategies based on the centrality of content and the power of effective distribution.

, Executive Editor, and East Coast Catalyst
, Head of Global Digital Brand Marketing, New Balance
The Content-Powered Organization
, Creative Director, Almighty
The Content-Powered Organization
, VP of Marketing & Communication, Builder Homesite
Pitch Perfect: How a Content Hub Can Harmonize Your Marketing

C5. Optimizing the Customer Experience with Analytics

Wednesday, December, 3: 9:40 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Optimization has been on many a marketer’s radar for some time though far too many still underutilize much of the data they have collected. Those who are already looking beyond the usual web analytics for optimization ideas will benefit from the two additional suggestions presented in this session.

, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder, Connective DX
, Co-Founder, Principal Consultant, E-Nor, Inc
Using Text Analytics to Improve User Experience
, CEO, uStudio
Video Analytics for Marketers: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You

C6. Building Next Generation Web Content Management & Digital Experiences – Agency/Integrator Panel Discussion

Wednesday, December, 3: 11:40 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.

There’s no such thing as a “customer experience management solution,” ready to buy, off the shelf. Solutions are built from multiple components that suit the unique needs of an organization. As a result, more and more companies are beginning to realize that the starting point for solution design and development must be the services firm, not the technology provider. This means that understanding the service provider landscape is becoming critically important to successful solution deployment. In this panel, Digital Clarity Group presents the key findings from its original primary research covering more than 80 agencies and integrators in Europe and North America. We look at how the providers are transforming their services, practices, and approaches to meet emerging client demands for holistic CEM solutions. Then we lead an interactive discussion with senior representatives from agencies and integrators who fill out the picture painted by the research with real-world examples and commentary.

, Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group
, Global Managing Director, Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital
, SVP, Technology, DigitasLBi
, Principal, SingleStone

C7. Building Next Generation Web Content Management & Delivery Digital Experiences – Vendor Panel Discussion

Wednesday, December, 3: 2:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

You probably need to attend every session in the conference to even learn all the questions to ask before embarking on a next generation digital experience strategy and design. In this session a panel of competing vendors will discuss what they see as the critical components and challenges based on their customer’s experiences and feedback, and on their own vision of what is possible. Vendors have lots of valuable experience and information and this is your chance to hear from knowledgeable representatives minus the PowerPoint pitch. This was a popular session last year and we had many requests for including it again.

, Program VP, Content & Digital Media Technologies, IDC
, Senior Director of Strategy and Product Marketing, Digital Marketing Business, Adobe
, CTO, BloomReach, Inc.
, COO, e-Spirit
, VP, Products, Crafter Software

C8. Responsive Design Practices and Options

Wednesday, December, 3: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Responsive design is trickier than you might think. Evolving web standards, multiple mobile operating systems and development frameworks, and rapidly proliferating types of devices with unpredictable display characteristics, processing capabilities, and features all conspire to force tradeoffs, and mean ongoing development and maintenance. This session looks at a number of the constraints, including performance issues, reliability of user agent detection, and utility of available device information.

, President, Anderson Digital 2020
, Development Director, Fresh Tilled Soil and Pearson Publishing, Refresh Boston, AIGA Boston, Global Accessibility Awareness Day
How To Deliver Fast, Engaging Responsive Web Design Sites
, Principal Consultant Technologist, Avalon Consulting, LLC.
Multi-Channel Distribution and Customer Engagement

C9. Managing and Monetizing Paid, Owned, and Earned Content

Wednesday, December, 3: 11:40 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.

How does your organization manage and value paid, owned, and earned content? Is there a strategy for each of the three types? A budget? If you are struggling with measuring the value of marketing related content you are certainly not alone – there is just no easy way to do it. Content ROI can mean many things for different types of organizations. For media companies and content marketers, they couldn’t be more different. Each have very different views, very different processes and different teams for creating, managing and tracking content. Kathy Greenler Sexton from Subscription Site Insider walks through how each looks at, values and tracks content ROI, and points out lessons each can learn from the other. Randy Woods from nonlinear creations describes a technique in use for modeling content and mapping it to online behaviors to get a better handle on content marketing costs and return.

, Staff Reporter,
, CEO & Publisher, Subscription Insider
Measuring Content ROI: Publishers are from Mars - Content Marketers are from Venus
, President, nonlinear creations
Of Metrics and Models: Measuring the ROI of Content Marketing

C10. Globalization and Localization Panel

Wednesday, December, 3: 2:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Organizations, at least of a certain size, are becoming more sophisticated and adept at creating, managing, and delivering multilingual and localized content. But needs are changing too. Social media, accelerated delivery expectations, and machine translation improvements, are just some of the issues that impact strategies as well as operations. This interactive panel of experts will be covering a range of topics and is suitable for attendees whether new or experienced with managing multilingual content.

, Global Leader, Expert And Advisor in Digital Experiences, Products And Content, Independent Consultant
, Program Manager: International User Experience,
, Lead Strategist for Wireless, Hyperlocal and Mobile, Digital Element
, Managing Director, IAE North America
, Director of Client Services, Smartling Inc

C11. User Experience Design and Engagement

Wednesday, December, 3: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

David Polcaro examines marketing goals (gathering contact information, qualifying leads, encouraging conversions,etc.)that are not always aligned with a great experience for end users of a website, app or other digital platform. Learn how UX pros approach the challenge of advocating for the best user experience while simultaneously addressing conflicting marketing goals.

Next, Jessica Langdorf reports on a recent study looking at how customer experience in live chat affects conversion. Findings include: branded chat windows delivered +13% more chat orders than generic ones; optimal placement of a chat window on the screen is the bottom-right corner, resulting in 38% more conversions; allowing users to interact within a chat window that is layered on top of the web page content produces 27% more conversions than a secondary browser; and chat button design and placement has a significant impact on engagement and conversation rates.

, Staff Reporter,
, Creative Director / Founder, East Coast Catalyst
UX versus Marketing
, Director, Digital Engagement Lab, Enterpise Division, Nuance Communications
Customer Experience & Conversion: How Live Chat Window Design & Placement Can Impact Customer Engagement

C12. Content Marketing Panel

Wednesday, December, 3: 2:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Content Marketing is certainly a popular topic, but what it means and how organizations are implementing it varies widely – as does its success. We’ve all seen good and bad examples. This lively interactive panel has a wealth of advice about what works, what doesn’t, and how to put together the operational pieces and stay on track.

, Content Specialist,
, Director of Content Marketing, ICF International
, Founder & CEO, Curata
, Chief Content Officer, Extractable
, Senior Manager, Rich Media Marketing, Cisco

C13. Content Strategy Panel

Wednesday, December, 3: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Content strategy is about architecting information so that it facilitates whatever processes and applications need to use it – content marketing is but one example. In particular, content marketing programs that need to be multichannel (virtually all of them) will only be efficient and effective if they have a content strategy that supports multichannel delivery. How you accomplish this is one topic this experienced panel will cover. Others include the roles and skills necessary for content strategists, what practices have proven useful, and what techniques, e.g., minimum viable content, can help.

, Executive Director, Experience, AvenueCX and Global Content Strategist
, Content Strategist, User Experience Group, PixelMEDIA and Content Strategy New England, Content Strategy Alliance
, Community Manager, Content Insight
, President, ComBlu
, President, Scriptorium Publishing

Track E: Content, Collaboration & Employee Engagement


E1. Track Keynote: Implementing Large Scale Intranets

Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Delivering a great customer experience depends on employees having the tools, information, and motivation to provide it. This means ensuring employees are engaged, collaborative, and also having a rewarding experience. In this session Ernst & Young and Marriott International share their strategies and experiences building large-scale intranets that create engaging digital experiences for employees.

, Principal Consultant & Forum Community Manager, Step Two
, Director - Global Knowledge Platforms, EY Knowledge, EY
Social with a strategy: how EY uses Yammer to drive its global business agenda
, Sr. Director & Editor-in-Chief on Marriott Global Source, Marriott International, Inc
How Marriott International Delivers Great Customer Experiences: The Secret Power of a Content Driven Global Extranet
, President & CEO, Rivet Logic
How Marriott International Delivers Great Customer Experiences: The Secret Power of a Content Driven Global Extranet

E2. Enterprise Social - Is it Living up to its Promise?

Tuesday, December, 2: 2:40 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

Hmm… lots riding on how you define “it” and “its Promise”, but it is an interesting question to the uninitiated because of the wide range of opinion. There are plenty of examples of organizations that are convinced they have reaped huge benefits from incorporating an enterprise social platform, bought or built. But there are also many who are not so sure. There is also a split decision among investors. In this session two analysts will attempt to clarify what is going on.

, Founder and CEO, Miller Systems
, Partner & Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group
Social, Now? What Will (Finally) Change the World of Work?
, Senior Analyst, Social Business, 451 Research
Social Business: Social is a layer, not a channel

E3. Digital Workplace Strategies for Knowledge Sharing

Tuesday, December, 2: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

It has been seven years since David Weinberger shared his insights about “digital disorder” in Everything is Miscellaneous. He championed user control of information, methods of discovery, organization and application. The value of information is enhanced when the user is driving how they will find it, where they will seek it and for what it will be used. This session will further the notion that internal, narrowly bounded intranets do not meet Weinberger’s standard of information management to meet user needs. On the other hand, role-based applications, when modeled for specific user needs can deliver high value, when monitored and governed to adapt to changing business needs. Our two speakers will offer their perspectives on how an initiative involving content management technologies must first be human need-based in its focus.

, Principal, LWM Technology Services
, Managing Principal, OutsideView Market Strategy
The Digital Workplace and the Intranet of Everywhere
, AVP,Head of Knowledge and Innovation Practices, MassMutual Financial Services
Proactive Knowledge Management – Driving Content to Point of Need
, VP, Search & Findability Solutions, Earley Information Science
Proactive Knowledge Management – Driving Content to Point of Need


E4. Ways to Increase Reach and Collaboration

Wednesday, December, 3: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Sveta Kouznetsova: 8:30 – 9:00, Accessible Content: Quality Captioning and Transcription as Universal Design
To attract a wider audience, you need to make your aural information - audio, video, events - accessible via quality captioning and transcription. It is not necessarily for those with hearing difficulties. It also helps foreign language speakers, remedial readers, individuals with learning disabilities, those in noisy or quiet environments, and many more. Just being able to hear is not enough. Businesses would also benefit from captioning as it improves user experience and SEO of their aural information and attracts more loyal customers. Sveta will dispel common myths about deaf and hard of hearing people, share personal experiences, and discuss case studies of good quality captioning that goes beyond universal access and can be enjoyed by anyone and anywhere regardless of hearing abilities. Come and check the presentation signed by the deaf speaker, voiced by interpreters, and open captioned in real time. Let’s think outside of the ears! 

Donald DePalma: 9:00 – 9:30, Can't Read, Won't Buy: Why Language Matters on Global Websites
If you read English natively, you have enjoyed the best of the web since its creation. Content in this language has dominated the medium for nearly two decades while companies have catered to English-speaking markets and the enormous spending they generate. However, many corporations realize that billions of people don’t read English at all or well enough to make buying decisions, so they’re increasing the amount of information that they offer in other languages. As they reach out to global prospects, the big question is: If they localize their websites, will more buyers come? If they translate product literature, will they sell more? How much will localization help them grow? Common Sense Advisory surveyed consumers in 10 non-English-speaking countries to test the hypothesis that companies can increase their sales by localizing their products and websites. In this presentation, Dr. DePalma summarizes the results of this 2014 survey, analyzes the linguistic preferences of consumers, and discusses the impact on their online behavior.

, Vice President Client Services, Digital Clarity Group
, User Experience & Accessibility Specialist, Freelancer/Consultant
Accessible Content: Quality Captioning and Transcription as Universal Design
, Chief Research Officer, Common Sense Advisory, Inc.
Can't Read, Won't Buy: Why Language Matters on Global Websites

E5. How to Build Successful Online Communities

Wednesday, December, 3: 9:40 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Leadership trumps technology for building successful and engaging communities of practice; in an online environment this presents special challenges. Without leadership, sustaining a community will wither and fade. However, as good leaders move to new assignments, retire, or depart, sustainability is even more difficult. Our speakers offer guidance on community building, communities that create beneficial impacts and online communities that are successfully sustained over time in spite of shifts in leadership. They will also provide insight on what can be realistically expected of a community when it exists via online participation and depends on active member engagement.

, Principal, LWM Technology Services
, CEO and Managing Partner, Leader Networks
Building the Business Case for Online Community
, Principal and Co-Founder, The Community Roundtable
The Next Generation Workplace: Building Community to Increase Employee Engagement and Collaboration

Track T: Re-imagining the Future: Technology and the Postdigital Experience


T1. Track Keynote Panel: Marketing Technologists Discuss Multichannel and Enterprise Integration Challenges

Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Marketing technologists are no longer rare birds, though they are often found in unfamiliar environments with less than obvious plumage. There are marketing technologists in many of our sessions this year, but we have selected a few to look at the two toughest challenges they, and their organizations, face in building modern digital strategies: support for consistent current and future multichannel experiences, and the necessary integration of data from multiple enterprise systems.

, Founder, & Co-founder & CTO, ion interactive
, CTO/Co Founder, DataXu
, Director of Marketing & Marketing Technologist, ICF Interactive
, Director and North America Customer Platform Lead, SapientNitro

T2. Update on Wearables and Internet of Things Applications and Platforms

Tuesday, December, 2: 2:40 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

We all know that wearables and other “internet things” are already here and will accelerate to liftoff velocity soon. But there is a lot we don’t know yet: Which wearables will catch on? What types of user interfaces will need to be supported? How will content and data be encoded and managed to support multiple devices with dramatically different physical characteristics and computing capabilities? What new platforms or frameworks will emerge? What will be the first mainstream industry applications? Our two speakers are intimately involved in these and related questions and will help you think about what’s coming when and how the main computing platform vendors are positioning themselves for battle.

, Executive Editor, and East Coast Catalyst
, Vice President, Creative Technology / Labs / Mobile, DigitasLBi
Upcoming Frameworks / Platforms: Apple, Samsung, Google, WebMD?
, Solution Architect | Futurist, Products & Innovation, SAP SE
Insight at First Sight - Digital Eyewear as the Next Interaction Paradigm

T3. Marketing Automation, Data, and Multichannel Marketing

Tuesday, December, 2: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The term “marketing automation” has grown from referring to simple workflow tools to help companies and their partners manage campaigns to being used to cover a much broader and more amorphous set of capabilities. Both of the presentations in this session cover the use of data in marketing automation, one from an analytical perspective, and one from a case study.

, Director of Marketing, Connective DX
, Independent Consultant, O'Kelly Associates
Marketing Automation and Big Data: From Lotus Marketplace to Acxiom's and Beyond
, AVP, Marketing, Hartville Pet Insurance Group
Pet Insurer Breaks Out of the Pack with Omnichannel Marketing
, CTO, RedPoint Global Inc.
Pet Insurer Breaks Out of the Pack with Omnichannel Marketing


T4. Personalization, CMSs, and Content Strategy

Wednesday, December, 3: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Personalization is on everyone’s checklist – organizations “require” it, consultants recommend it, and vendors “provide” it. Even with a lot of technology available, it is hard, and even harder to do it right. In this session we have two “how to” presentations. One speaker covers what to expect from CMS systems as well as strategic and operational issues organizations need to work through. The other presenter describes a content strategy and technique for a managed implementation of personalization.

, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder, Connective DX
, CEO, TBG (The Berndt Group)
Personalization Mechanics: Highly Targeted Content Within Your Web Operation
How to Deliver Contextual Content to an Audience of One

T5. Multichannel Content Management - How do you do it?

Wednesday, December, 3: 9:40 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Multichannel content management is hard. It used to be a requirement mainly for complex enterprise content management applications that couldn’t avoid it. Nowadays, it is necessary for almost every business and consumer application aiming to achieve market penetration potential. In this session four experts will help you understand what’s involved, what content reuse, adaptive content, semantic content are, and how to get started. If you’ve already started they can provide some tips based on their extensive experience.

, Director of Marketing, Connective DX
, Content Architect
, Partner, Blend Interactive
, Consultant and Founder, Urbina Consulting

T6. Big Data and Customer Engagement

Wednesday, December, 3: 11:40 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.

In this session we focus on what it actually means to use huge amounts of data to better engage customers. Wesley Moore from Teradata explains what infrastructure components need to be in place for data-driven marketing. ShopAdvisor's Peter O'Kelly then takes us through the details of how they are currently using big data, what they’ve learned about interpreting the data, and how to guard against misinterpreting it.

, Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing, Fingent Corporation
, Vice President, IMM & Digital Marketing Solutions, Teradata
Using Data to Deliver Marketing Relevancy and Optimizing Customer Experience
, Independent Consultant, O'Kelly Associates
Big Data and Customer Engagement: New Opportunities and Challenges

T7. Multilingual Challenges - Current and Future

Wednesday, December, 3: 11:40 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.

Managing multilingual content is challenging and will remain so as computing and content platforms proliferate and become more immersive. In this session, Professor and Content Manager Mohammed Altayar reports on the results and lessons learned building a bilingual web portal. Then Terena Bell takes a look at how mobile, social, and the “internet of social things” are changing content processes and provides advice on how to incorporate the new requirements into your strategy.

, Vice President Client Services, Digital Clarity Group
, Assistant Professor - Content Manager, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)
Factors Affecting the Development and Management of Bilingual Digital Content on Web Portals
, Partner & Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group
Speaking the Language of the Customer in the New Era of Experience Management

T8. How to Improve Findability

Wednesday, December, 3: 2:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Efficiency (speed), accuracy and comprehensive results have long been measuring units by which search engines and search within applications have been judged for findability. Human factors and design play into the efficiency of any search experience. Algorithms determine the validity (relevance) of items retrieved for a given query, and they also determine how complete results (recall) are against a given corpus of content. Search experts who seek to implement search engines for relevance or recall also need quality data to make tuning decisions.

Our speakers in this session will give us three views of what it takes to improve design and content for findability. They will speak to points of usability, as well as how high quality metadata supported by specialized taxonomies, contribute to those improvements.

, Principal, LWM Technology Services
, User Experience Consultant, Bentley University's User Experience Center
Content is King… as Long as Your Visitors Find It
, Chief Scientist, NewsEdge / Acquire Media
Metadata Statistics for Sharpening Taxonomies and Improving Search
, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
Why You Should Develop Use Cases Before You Develop the Taxonomy

T9. Cognitive Computing, Machine Learning, and Big Data

Wednesday, December, 3: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cognition is recognized as a human brain function, combining individual knowledge with contextual understanding. Keeping this in mind, we will be interested to learn more about the emerging field of cognitive computing from industry insiders. We will hear from industry analysts about the work of the recently formed Cognitive Computing Consortium, which has gathered a cross-disciplinary roster of expert members who are evaluating the impact this new style of computing may have on innovation and business performance. We will also hear an industry perspective from pioneers in the application of cognitive software to business problem solving.

With the volume of data in most enterprises far surpassing the amount of quality curated content by orders-of-magnitude, we look to technology to make raw data more meaningful. Over several generations of machine learning and artificial intelligence software, the technology has now brought advanced decision support out of the lab and into the business mainstream. Our speakers will give us the context, state-of-the-art, and future directions for this newly launched area of computing.

, Principal, LWM Technology Services
, Co-founder and CEO, CustomerMatrix
, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect, Watson Platform, IBM
, Co-founder, Cognitive Computing Consortium
Cognitive Computing: What It Is and Why You Will Soon Care
, President, Synthexis and Cognitive Computing Consortium
Cognitive Computing: What It Is and Why You Will Soon Care

Track P: Digital Strategies for Publishing and Media


P1. Track Keynote: Hear how Harvard Business Review and WGBH have Transformed Digital Engagement

Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Engaging customers and online audiences requires the right mix of technology, content, and tools, orchestrated in a way that leverages deep customer knowledge to deliver the right content at the right time in the right fashion. That’s a tall order, yet it is a “do or die” imperative for organizations that use content to make a living. In this session, you’ll learn how to transform and optimize customer digital engagement from presentations by two leading-edge organizations that are paving the way to the future using a blend of customer-centric design, dynamic and targeted content, big data and analytics, agile technologies and processes, and a vision for the future. These presentations will inspire you to kick-start your own digital engagement transformation initiatives!

You'll also meet the development team: Daigo Fujiwara, Kevin Davis, Matt Wagner, Fred Lalande, and Ismail Ozyigit.

, Principal, Agile Business Logic and Principal, Agile Business Logic
, Director of Technology, Harvard Business Publishing
Rebranding and Rebuilding Harvard Business Review
, Managing Partner, CRM Services, WGBH Educational Foundation
Big Data & Customer Engagement Lessons from a U.S. Media Powerhouse
, CTO, RedPoint Global Inc.
Big Data & Customer Engagement Lessons from a U.S. Media Powerhouse

P2. eBook Platforms, Standards, and Uses - Expert Panel Discussion

Tuesday, December, 2: 2:40 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

As eBooks have moved from the consumer marketplace into education, business and even demanding applications like STM publishing, the bar for quality, accuracy and rich, interactive experiences has been raised significantly. Yet, at the same time, eBooks continue to evolve along several dimensions with the proliferation of platforms and devices, publishing standards, technologies, and delivery channels. This session brings together three experts who will help you navigate the myriad decisions needed to produce engaging and effective eBooks.

, Principal, Agile Business Logic and Principal, Agile Business Logic
, VP, Solutions Architect, Content Solutions, SPi Global
, President, Data Conversion Laboratory
eBooks in the STM World: Is eBook Technology Ready?
, Vice President, Business Development, Bluefire Productions
EPUB in the Enterprise

P3. Update on Multichannel Publishing Technologies

Tuesday, December, 2: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The phrase “multi-channel publishing” sounds innocuous, but for those charged will delivering content over a plethora of digital channels while continuing to support print publishing, it is anything but. If you are responsible for delivering digital content to many different channels, devices, and audiences, you are faced with a large and growing number of complex, risky decisions. This session will help you craft a “content and media neutral” publishing strategy and also get you up to date on HTML5, responsive design, emerging frameworks, and other developments in multichannel publishing—in short, the one stop shop for what you need to know about multi-channel publishing.

, Principal, Agile Business Logic and Principal, Agile Business Logic
, President, DPCI
Next Generation Multichannel Publishing Technologies
, Chief Technology Officer, Quark Software Inc.
Automating Publishing with Smart Content


P4. How Publishers and Marketers are Dealing with Today's Digital Asset Management Challenges

Wednesday, December, 3: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Creating engaging digital customer experiences has become both a mantra and competitive imperative for many publishers. Digital asset management is a core part of creating those experiences, providing the ability to create, manage, and deploy the rich content that drives engagement. While DAM technology has been around for a while, it continues to evolve and systems that are even a few years old may be behind the times. Whether you’re newly in the market or disenchanted with an existing DAM solution, this session will provide the knowledge of the market, the vendors and solutions, and how to select the best possible solution for your needs.

, Principal, Agile Business Logic and Principal, Agile Business Logic
, Director, Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
How to Select a Digital Asset Management System and 2014 Market Overview
, Director of Rich Media Solutions, Flatirons Solutions
It's OK to look back... learn what others have done to overcome DAM challenges

P5. The Future of Advertising Panel

Wednesday, December, 3: 9:40 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Advertising used to be simple - well you could always make bad choices - but keeping up with all the ways advertising technology and channels are changing is enough to make some marketers yearn for early retirement options. Last year we looked at Ad Exchanges, Data Exchanges, Real Time Bidding (RTB), Demand Side Platforms, and Supply Side Platforms. Our panel this year will look at a number of topics including the use of ethnography and digital anthropology to craft relationship-building ads, multiple ways to manage cross-platform advertising, and how content strategists can help create user-centric, not marketer-centric experiences.

, SVP Marketing, Newscycle Solutions
, Senior Director, Digital Marketing, Activision
, Principal, User Experience Design, ICF NEXT
, Founder and CEO, PK4 Media, Inc.

Product Labs

The Product Labs are open to conference attendees and visitors to the technology showcase free of charge, and are moderated and presented by conference sponsors. While the presentations are meant to be educational, they are typically focused on product technologies or customer case studies. They provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific products or vendors.

Complete Schedule