


Workshop A. Insider's Guide to Selecting Web Content & Experience Management (WCM) Technology

Thursday, December, 5: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

If you are a digital leader or architect, this year may well find you looking to implement new tools or refresh dated platforms. However, you face a wide and growing array of vendors willing to address your problems. Which ones offer the best fit for your particular circumstances? This fast-paced workshop led by Real Story Group senior analyst Irina Guseva will help you understand the broad but converging marketplaces for Web CMS technologies, as well as how they integrate with related digital platforms.

Irina will sort out the key players and business models, and offer you a roadmap for deciding which types of technologies and vendors provide the best long-term fit for your needs. The workshop will answer several key questions: How can you quickly distinguish among the 120 major toolsets across these marketplaces? How are changes in the open source landscape impacting your options today and going forward? Where does Web Publishing intersect with emergent technologies? What should you expect to pay for these tools? What are the critical, can't-ignore architectural distinctions you need to make? How mature are the vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of some key players, including Microsoft, Adobe, and Oracle How can you insure that your selection process meets your original business objectives? Which should you pick first: Agency, Integrator, Vendor, or...? What are some major pitfalls others have made that you can readily avoid? How are these marketplaces likely to evolve in the coming years, and how can you best align your firm to take advantage of future innovation?

, Group Product Marketing Manager, Adobe

Workshop B. Engineer Seamless Experiences Across Every Digital Touch Point

Thursday, December, 5: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Companies should own every touch point along the customer journey. Create once, publish everywhere, but in a contextually relevant way. Mapping content to channel and market segment specific goals will result in greater immersion in the brand, and ultimately result in higher conversion rates. Using scenarios from B2B, B2C, and nonprofit, Siteworx’ content strategy expert, Lindy Roux, demonstrates: how to determine your user’s context – the specific touch points that matter to your users, best practices in mapping content your user’s journey, and a hands-on exercise that puts these skills to practice.

Contextualization includes:

  • Who the user is
  • How they behave
  • What fulfills their needs
  • Where that content is best delivered

We also discuss why is it important to tailor content based on channel and how to prioritize content accordingly. Steps include:

  • Develop personas and journey maps
  • Prioritize content per channel
  • Structure your content
  • Evaluate, rinse, and repeat
, VP & Managing Director, Tendo Communications

Workshop C. Unleashing the Value of Global Information Management

Thursday, December, 5: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Managing and deploying content in multiple markets still means driving on a long and winding road for globalizing organizations. During this workshop, pitfalls will be identified and best practices will be shared "from the trenches" to help raise the globalization bar and deliver on international customer experience requirements.

Topics and dives will include:

  • Drivers and enablers of global information management
  • Connections and dependencies in the global content value chain
  • Centralization and standardization in global content management
  • Governance models for global content operations
  • Globalization business cases for leaders and executives
  • Measurement of international customer experience in conjunction with globalization KPIs
, Global Leader, Expert And Advisor in Digital Experiences, Products And Content, Independent Consultant

Workshop D. POCs with a Pay-off; Staging Product Proofs of Concept for Successful Outcomes

Thursday, December, 5: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

A proof of concept (POC) evaluation can be so much more that a check-off in the process of selecting enterprise software. It should be treated as an opportunity to learn and to get results that will help you lay a successful foundation for implementing and rolling out a product after you have made a final selection. A POC is really stage I of establishing the timeline, scope, risk elements, testing and roll-out of a product. The learning that the POC affords can’t be acquired through any other business analytic process because, done properly, it is real and enables the internal team to interact directly with content, product, and vendor team. Sloppy execution in this stage sets you up for missed problem areas, and a stalled program later on.

Lynda Moulton has engaged with scores of large and small, commercial, non-profit and government organizations and she will share best practices observed, lessons-learned and outcomes that demonstrate the true value of planning and executing a top-notch POC. Topics to be covered are: 

  • Information Architecture Planning
  • Sequencing Technology Acquisitions
  • Narrowing Product and Technology Options
  • Staging the Evaluation Process
  • Working with Vendors
  • Making the POC a Value Proposition
  • Finalizing the Evaluation
, Principal, LWM Technology Services

Workshop E. Great Ideas Need the Right Metrics to Flourish; Building the Analytics You Need to Monetize Your Innovation

Thursday, December, 5: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

In the digital era, great ideas, innovations, and business models need to be implemented well, turned into profitable operations that scale well and adapt to new information as they grow. This isn't easy, but it is often the difference between great ideas that succeed and those that fail.

For digital innovators, Analytics and data-driven decision-making have become key determinants of success. "If you can measure it, you can manage it." The right metrics often make the difference between monetizing innovation and under-performance.

Yet identifying these "metrics that matter" isn't easy—the right metrics vary widely based on your business model—nor is it easy to build the required capabilities and collecting the necessary data. Fortunately there is a way to make it easier, and this presentation will share a better way to tackle the challenge.

In this workshop, author and analytics veteran Jaime Fitzgerald will share his battle-tested method that addresses this challenge. During two decades working with data, Mr. Fitzgerald created a new method that makes it easier to define the metrics you really need to monetize your innovative ideas, business models, and initiatives. In addition to defining the "metrics that matter," Mr. Fitzgerald's methodology defines the analytic methods and data sources you need to generate these key performance indicators, and how they will be used to enhance key business decisions, essential processes, and business model evolution.

, Founder & Managing Partner, Fitzgerald Analytics

Workshop F. Designing Modern Innovative Intranets - From Good to Great and Mobile Too!

Thursday, December, 5: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

What’s under the hood in the enterprise intranet? What does it take to get your intranet from good to innovative? Have you even considered designing for mobile?

This interactive session lets you peek behind the firewall of leading-edge intranets from a number of different industries and includes award winning sites from the 2013 Intranet Innovation Awards. These case studies of successful, active intranets provide ideas and insights to apply in your organisation. It will also share the work already being done in the mobile space around the globe providing a framework and strategy for delivering mobile solutions.

This workshop will answer key questions, including:

  • What makes an innovative intranet?
  • What does "enterprise mobility" really mean in practice?
  • Where should I start with delivering a mobile enterprise solution?
  • Where are the biggest business opportunities?
  • What issues need to be considered?
  • What strategy and roadmap should we be putting in place?


Topics covered include:

  • What innovative intranets look like
  • The enterprise mobility landscape
  • Understanding the four types of enterprise mobility
  • How to address BYOD ('bring your own device')
  • Uncovering and targeting staff needs
  • Design considerations for mobile devices
  • Choosing between web and native apps
  • Sketching enterprise mobile ideas
  • Strategies for delivering enterprise mobility
  • Real-world innovative intranet and enterprise mobile examples
, Principal Consultant & Forum Community Manager, Step Two