Wednesday, December 2, 2015

K1. Opening Keynotes

K2. Opening Keynotes

Product Lab A - Adobe

B: No more headless giraffe (Enonic AS)

C: Governing to Win: How to Optimize and Protect your Digital Presence (ActiveStandards)

D: Jostle, the radically better employee intranet (Jostle Corporation)

C1. Building a Case for Marketing Transformation

C2. Making Omni-channel Work

C3. Holistic Customer Experiences Require Fundamental Change

E1. Strategies and Lessons from Successful Intranets

E2. Critical Considerations for Building a Modern Intranet

E3. Achieving Successful Collaboration in Large Enterprises

T1. Mobile App Development and Management

T2. Brain Science for Marketing to Digital Brains

T3. New Web and Mobile Technologies: Web Components and Polymer; Deep Linking and App Indexing

P1. New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution

P2. Aligning Technology with Strategy - Harvard Business Review

P3. Recurring Revenue: Why Subscription Models are the New Hot Business Model (Again)
Thursday, December 3, 2015

C4. Global Experience Management: Analyst Views on Trends and Practices

C5. Global Experience Management: Making It Work in the Real World

C6. Personalization: The Advanced Crash Course

Lunch & Technology Demonstrations

C7. Content Marketing - Strategies for Success

C8. Content Strategies for a Superior Customer Experience

C9. Reconfiguring Roles for Modern Marketing Organizations

C10. Operational and Governance planning for Successful Large-scale Digital Transformation

C11. How to Integrate the Content and Commerce Experience

E4. Growth without compromise: Using intranets to scale what makes you great

E5. Connecting Customer and Employee Experiences

E6. Building Modern Knowledge Management Implementations

Lunch & Technology Demonstrations

T4. Benchmark Your WCM Environment

T5. When and How to Move to a New CMS / Digital Platform

T6. CMS Alternatives - Bespoke to Wordpress

Lunch & Technology Demonstrations

T7. Modern Multichannel Strategies

T8. How to Plan for Complex Multichannel Projects

T9. Visualization Techniques for Text and Data

P4. Executing Content Strategies

P5. B2B Content Marketing – Lessons from the Front Lines

Lunch & Technology Demonstrations

E: 5 Brands, 68 Websites, 40 Languages – How to Simplify the Complexity of Your Global Web Experience (SDL)

F: Mobile: The Cornerstone For All Digital Customer Experiences (Oracle)

H: Drive revenue and retention through multichannel digital experiences (HP Marketing Optimization)

I: Why choosing the right WCM tool really does not matter, but how you organize WCM does........

J: The Tech Behind The Art of Corporate Storytelling - Brightspot at Walmart

K: Using Personalization to Convert More Visitors into Value (Episerver Inc.)